Roasted Hemp Seed Encrusted Flathead

Roasted Hemp Seed Encrusted Flathead

Vasse Valley's unique Roasted Hemp Seed Crumble pairs perfectly with seafood. The earthy flavour and crunchy texture balances out the richness and smoothness of most seafood dishes.

In this recipe we've crumbed our fish using Vasse Valley's Crumble alone, as a tasty, gluten-free alternative to bread crumbs. If this is too rich, substitute with 50% breadcrumbs instead.



  • 4 fillets of fresh flathead
  • 1 x egg
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 20g Vasse Valley Roasted Hemp Seed Crumble– or until your fillets are evenly covered
  • A pinch of salt (optional)
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
  • Half a lemon



  1. Crack the egg into a mixing bowl, add milk and stir until milk and egg have merged.
  2. Submerge your flathead fillets into mixture.
  3. Transfer into a bowl containing the Roasted Hemp Seed Crumble and coat the whole fillet.
  4. Heat the oil in a frypan (or grill – oil not required) and add fillets when oil is hot.
  5. Cook until crumb is crunchy to touch.
  6. Pat down with paper towel, squeeze fresh lemon over fillets.



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