Vasse Valley's climate change action for 2023

Vasse Valley's climate change action for 2023

Climate change action now!

The year 2022 was the sixth warmest year since global records began in 1880. The 10 warmest years in the 143-year record have all occurred since 2010. This warming is due to increased carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere. It is human-induced and we are the only ones who can fix it.

Sir David Attenborough himself has told us, the most effective way to take climate change action is to plant more trees. Trees provide oxygen and limit carbon in the atmosphere. They reduce air pollution, provide food and shelter for wildlife, minimise erosion and maintain healthy soil, increase rainfall, and absorb sunlight as energy. Its a no brainer!

Vasse Valley's climate change action for 2023

In May 2023, a whopping 25% of Vasse Valley Hemp Farm was revegetated to native bushland. Over five intense days, a suite of volunteers planted 7000 trees and shrubs over 13 acres of land. What an achievement! Being a small business operating locally and growing a great carbon capturing crop like hemp, Vasse Valley's carbon footprint is already small. These plants will offset any remaining emissions, making us a highly sustainable business. Western Australia's South West region has been recognised as a national biodiversity hotspot, with many rare and endangered species taking refuge here. As well as capturing and storing carbon, projects like this create new habitats for our wildlife and support the longevity of species such as the western ringtail possum and black cockatoos. The projected carbon capture for this project is nearly 2000 tonnes of CO2. 

The Carbon and Biodiversity Pilot Program

As a small husband and wife team we could never have managed this project alone. Thankfully, we were accepted into the federal government's Carbon and Biodiversity Pilot Program. Landholders participating in the C+B Pilot are contracted to deliver long-term biodiversity improvement through planting native trees and shrubs in conjunction with an Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) registered environmental plantings project. We have committed to protecting these newly vegetated areas for 25 years.

Thanks to the South West Catchments Council (SWCC)

Another key partner in this project was South West NRM, a not-for profit, non-government organisation that delivers sustainable solutions to environmental challenges. For 20 years, they’ve worked with the community to protect and enhance the South West’s unique natural environment. The team works with traditional owners as custodians of one of only 36 global biodiversity hotspots. SWCC also support the agricultural industry to increase productivity and preserve the land for future generations. For this project, they developed our planting guide, which helped us prepare the planting sites and select which species to plant. 

Thanks to our sponsors

Now, its easy to have an idea like this and start making plans. But full execution is another 10 rungs up the ladder! Revegetation projects are not cheap. The plants alone cost $10,000 and then there's the site preparation, weed and pest control, and replacement of any plants that don't survive. To fund this project we ran a GoFundMe campaign and managed to raise enough to cover the cost of the plants. Thanks to all those who donated, especially to the corporate sponsors listed below. This project could not have happened without you.  

Origins Market Busselton

Origins Market is a vibrant community hub showcasing Western Australian creatives, makers and growers.

Raintree Estate Denmark

Raintree is an idyllic acreage bordered by William Bay National Park, home to The Dam and an amphitheatre, a distillery and seasonally inspired restaurant.

Innovation Cluster Specialising in connecting start-ups, investors, corporates, industry, tertiary institutions, and government with the goal to accelerate individual and collective business success to drive economic development and diversification. Hemp N Healthy Working with people who want to learn how to feel naturally well but don't quite know where to start.

Arbor Guy - innovative solutions for vegetation management Replenish Kalamunda - born out of the growing interest in waste and its minimisation. Margaret River Truffle Farm - orchards living in harmony with the world's most exquisite mushroom Soaps Suds and Oils of Margaret River -natural soaps infused with Australian Hemp Seed Oil and fragranced with pure essential oils
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