Why CB2 oil is gaining traction in Australia

Why CB2 oil is gaining traction in Australia

If you suffer from chronic pain, stress, sleeplessness, inflammation or anxiety you may have come across CB2 oil. This is not to be confused with CBD oil, which you have no doubt heard about as well. This article explains the difference between CB2 and CBD oil and why CB2 oil is getting Aussie chins wagging.

What’s the difference between CB2 and CBD oil?

They sound similar, but these two products are remarkably different. The more well-known of the two is CBD oil. Its name comes from the abbreviation for cannabidiol, which is the most dominant non-psychoactive cannabinoid in Cannabis. CBD is extracted from the flower and leaf of low THC cannabis plants. It has the ability to stimulate cell receptors in our body, including receptors of the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

If you’re not familiar with the ECS, here’s a great blog that explains it clearly. While CBD is legal in many countries, it has only recently been made available as an over the counter medicine in Australia. Even so, you won't be able to purchase it as the TGA is yet to approve any products. 

CBD is therefore still only accessible via prescription and is VERY expensive for long term use. Many people who need it simply can’t afford it. This has pushed many Australians into purchasing CBD oil from backyard producers or overseas, which is NOT legal. What’s more, these products are often inconsistent in their potency and have mixed results.

CB2 oil presents a legal, cheaper alternative to CBD oil. CB2 is a trademarked product of Canadian brand Cannanda. It is a terpene blend that, like CBD oil, targets the CB2-receptors of the endocannabinoid system. To find out more about terpenes check out our blog What are terpenes

CB2 used to be available through us here at Vasse Valley, however in February 2024 we decided to discontinue sales in place of our own more sophisticated and Australian made range. 

Keep reading to find out why terpenes are a great alternative to CBD and where you can purchase them. 

Terpenes: a brief overview

Terpenes are the natural compounds that give plants and flowers their odours and aromas. In fact, these little understood compounds are the subject of increasing interest by researchers in regards to their potential therapeutic and medicinal applications. Some terpenes are similar in structure to cannabinoids, which is why they can stimulate similar responses in our bodies. The wonderful thing about terpenes is they occur in all plants, not just cannabis. This means they are cheaper to extract and contain no THC. They are also perfectly legal to use.

CB2 oil (terpenes) benefits

If you think CBD oil will help with your condition, chances are CB2 and other terpene blends will as well. Studies have shown benefits of the following conditions following activation of the CB2 receptor in the endocannabinoid system.

  • Pain and inflammation
  • Anxiety
  • Degenerative neurological conditions
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Immune system modulation
  • Cardiovascular
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Digestive disorders
  • Migraine
  • Eye health
  • Skin health
  • Respiratory health

Research has also shown terpenes to act as antidepressants, antiviral, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiplasmodial and antimicrobial.  It is important to keep in mind that the human body is complex and what works for one person may not work for another.

How to use terpenes

Terpenes are tiny molecules that can be ingested, inhaled or absorb through the skin. In the past, most of us lived a little closer to nature and just a simple walk in the great outdoors probably provided enough terpenes to keep your body functioning harmoniously. 

Including herbs, spices, herbal teas and essential oils in your diet/lifestyle can also help you attain your daily terpene requirements. 

For those who don't live in the bush, drink herbal teas, or cook with herbs and spices, you can opt for a supplement. Many companies now sell functionally specific tinctures, such as those available from us here at Vasse Valley. These tinctures go one step further than CB2 by offering more complex and functionally specific blends. 

Where to purchase Terpenes

You are in the right place already! Just hop over to our shop and select the blend that suits your needs. Our key blends include:

Soothe - natural pain relief

Calm - natural stress management

Energise - natural ADHD support

Siesta - natural sleep aid

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